Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We're enjoying our holiday with my family in Arizona. Hope you are enjoying yours, too!


  1. Hi Kenneth,

    Will be in Tucson for Thanksgiving and did a stint at the U of A for graduate school as well. Regular reader, first time poster. If in tucson, let me know - will definitely need a drink to escape the family for a few hours!

    Love the blog and Happy thanksgiving to you!

  2. Back at ya! Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

  3. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Hey Kenneth
    Happy Thanksgiving. I love your blog and read it every day.
    Well, even though I am in England (where Thanksgiving is not a holiday) I have a lot to give thanks for today as I finally came out to my Mum - aged 41 (me, not her!)
    I have been meaning to tell her for years but there was always a good reason not to - which basically boiled down to fearing her reaction, of course.
    Well long story short, she said something this morning that prompted me to think "there'll never be a better time than this" so I told her - then promptly burst into floods of tears of uncontrollable sobbing for 5 whole minutes nonstop (me not her!) It was like all my pent up emotions over the years just came out and I couldn't control it.
    She could not have reacted better - she put her arms round me, gave me a big hug and said she loved me and just wanted me to be happy.
    I already feel a different (better) person who no longer has to lie.
    Anyway, happy Thanksgiving to you all on the other side of the pond. X Will

  4. Where in Arizona, a Phoenix reader here. If you ahve time and are nearby would love to buy you a drink!


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