Friday, January 30, 2009

Dropping In to Say Hi

Poor Michael. I know you're supposed to "love thy neighbor," but does apply if he's subleasing? About five months ago his upstairs neighbor -- a quiet, middle-age Bavarian woman -- sublet her place to a seemingly polite 20something "professional" guy. Ever since, Michael has gone from having his apartment be a relaxing place to call home to a never-ending source of aggravation as Mr. Upstairs seems to stomp around the joint 24 hours a day. Michael has politely -- and repeatedly -- asked him to try to keep the noise down (no shoes, new rugs, whatever it takes) and the guy is always polite, but then it never gets any better. Cut to dinner last night when Mikey notices a new voice mail from the guy. It seems he had a little incident in the bathroom. How Michael didn't kill the guy is beyond me ...


  1. yuck - Sadly..I've had that same call before.

  2. Oy. What the heck was the guy doing?

  3. That is so insane. I think anyone who leaves a bath running (is that what happened?) should be locked in an asylum, and yet it happens very commonly in NYC. WOW. I feel terrible for Michael. I'm surprised he didn't kill him, too!

  4. Ugh! I'm sorry for Michael's situation. Hopefully, the landlord/management company will fix the damage quickly.


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