Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve

Hope everyone's close to their loved ones by now. I'm spending Christmas here in the city, some 2000 miles away from my family. I couldn't get time off this year to go home to Arizona but luckily most of Michael's family is here (or in town), so we'll be out on the island later in the week spending time with them. In honor of my family so far away, I give you my favorite "modern" Christmas song -- "2000 Miles" by the Pretenders. It may be one of the worst videos ever, but 25 years after it came out it's strangely become half its charm.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Sorry you can't be in AZ for Xmas, Kenneth - however, I do wish you a Happy Holiday and I look forward to reading your daily blog in 2009!!


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