Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Music Box: Let's Active

At the height of the British new wave explosion in 1983, when eye liner, synthesizers and drum machines ruled the U.S. charts, along came Let's Active -- an American jangle-guitar band fronted by Mitch Easter, who had already made a name for himself by producing R.E.M.'s classic debut, "Murmur." With his crazy hair and his fun-girl rhythm section, Let's Active's debut single, "Every Word Means No," quickly became one of my faves, as did the EP from which it came, "Afoot." A full-length effort, "Cypress" followed in '84, as well as a promotional tour on which I was lucky enough to see them at the Mason Jar (I lost the ticket stub, but I know the show was on Dec. 5, 1984, thanks to my trusty old concert diary!). The band had unraveled by the time (the ironically titled) "Big Plans for Everyone" came out in '86 (I can't even remember if I bought that one, but it was largely an Easter solo album), but the catchy refrain from "Every Word Means No," along with the video's puppy dogs and Mitch's puppy-dog eyes, are things that stay with 25 years later ...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Had to comment on the Lets Active bit in your blog...loved it! I saw them in 1986 (so not the original two women behind Mitch Easter), but recall it being a good show - the warmup was the Rain Parade, one of those LA psychedelic new wave bands. Anyway, that Afoot EP (esp. Every Word Means No and Room With a View) was one I played incessantly back in the day, and i still enjoy today. But now I thnk i should dig out Cypress or Big Plans for Everybody and reacquaint myself.


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