Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Up-Hill Battle

Limited oratory skills aside (the problem was never her platform, it's that she's Bill without the charm), Hillary Rodham Clinton seems to have knocked one out of the park for her rival Barack Obama tonight in Denver. Did anyone check to see if she had her fingers crossed?

She even said the "g" word!


  1. I loved her speech and think it will shut up a lot of people who seemed to be aching to join the McCain camp. The only problem I had was that she wouldn't pause long enough to let her words sink in and for the people to clap for her.... And I also noticed in the intro video that Chelsea has inherited her mother's monotone delivery style.

  2. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Hill did a great job. She said what she needed to say and now just need to appear a couple of times with Obama in NY State in order for her not to get the blame for his losing campaign.

    I still won't vote for him, Hill will get my write-in vote.

    Did you read about the mini-Greek temple being built for Obama's coronation, I mean acceptance speech? That will not play well with mainstream middle-class voters. The reaction you had yesterday to your post shows an off putting trait of the cult of Obama (like scientologists) that will lose him the majority of undecided voters on election night.

    Cheers, GP

  3. SOOO cynical! First, Hillary is always a terrific speaker and oozed charm last night. Second, she left no doubt who she's voting for. I thought it was magnificent. I would even vote for her the next time she runs for something after being very turned off by her recent antics. Bill...that's gonna be harder to forgive!

  4. Anonymous12:37 PM

    What message was she trying to send by wearing brownish orange?

  5. Anonymous12:41 PM

    It made me realize how much I have missed her speeches since she called off her campaign in June. I still think the wrong person is the nominee and that Obama made a mistake in not choosing her as VP. Yes, I will still vote Democrat in November, but more "against McCain" than "for Obama". Should Obama lose (heaven forbid) 2012 HAS to be Hillary's time!

  6. Anonymous1:53 PM

    The convention was only given 1 hour for primetime, Hillary couldn't pause and bask on the clapping because she needs to finish everything in 20 minutes before she is cut off the air. She needs to send as much message across, I am so looking forward to 2012, I think the democrats blew another election. Yay, when will they ever learn?

  7. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Chelsea came to speak to the Texas delegates in Austin on the Friday night before Hillary suspended her campaign around noon the next day. It was a long way to go to speak for 15 minutes and have to turn right back around to go be at Hillary's concession sppech, but it really meant a lot to Hillary's supporters and we really needed some words of comfort at that time. Her speech was hardly lacking in inflection and she really got the crowd fired up. Also, Chelsea spoke at a rally at JR's in Dallas during the campaign- Hillary was truly the candidate for the LGBT community.

  8. she wore that color because it totally "popped" amongst all that blue. (on the color wheel - orange complements blue) This way all that you noticed - was HER HILLARY-NESS!!


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