Sunday, August 31, 2008

Mama Don't Preach

(Image via Gawker)

I actually held back on posting this rumor about Gov. Sarah Palin -- you know the one, where she pretended to be pregnant to cover up for the fact that her 16-year-old got knocked up -- because I thought it was so over-the-top (READ: great!) that it couldn't possibly be true. Well, I bring it up now because while it may still be a rumor, I now hear that EVERY major news agency has a team of reporters on it (they don't want to be National Enquirer-ed again). The fact that the daughter was mysteriously home-schooled during four months around this time, plus Palin was in Texas "in labor" yet still flew home to Alaska "in time" to give birth, is only adding fuel to the fire. Al Hunt is said to have asked Lindsey Graham, a closeted key member of McCain's vice presidential search team, a basic question about Palin last night and Graham didn't know the answer, raising questions about how thoroughly she was vetted. Fasten your seat belts, kids.

Regarding Palin's daughter, here's the best blog comment EVER:
wow, if she just turns out to be fat, you're all assholes.


  1. I knew a conservative Christian family who went through similar machinations to hide an unwed pregnancy. If true about Palin, I wonder how it will spin. Will conservatives admire the lengths she's willing to go to protect her family, or will they acknowledge the religious shame and deception?

  2. What's too bad is at least 1 of the pix of the daughter being used as "evidence" was taken in 2006. So yeah, she has a little spare tire. But I don't think the photo evidence is what makes it so compelling—it's the crazy stories leading up to the birth. First, she's a crazy pro-lifer, but for no good reason doesn't announces she's preggers until she's past 7 months. Then, she's preggers with a child who she knows has Down's Syndrome—or with ANY child—and decides to take a flight at 8 months to Texas for a speech, where she leaks fluid at 4am but stays to do the speech before flying back home (with one connection) to then drive to her old hometown of Wasilla to give birth (labor had to be induced???). The baby is delivered by her personal doc, who she has appointed to a special board and has given an award to previously. This makes no sense. I have yet to see proof the daughter was out of school, however, this rumor did not magically appear due to her VP status, this started months ago in Alaska. I have to say I think she did this to cover up that her daughter was having sex before marriage, then used the anti-abortion angle just to help her own image. Scarily, some people have commented that she is a great mom to do this...!

  3. Anonymous6:15 PM

    There was no political pressure from her office to have the trooper fired who didn't fire the brother-in-law, but then there was. She didn't support the Bridge to Nowhere, but then she did. She had a baby in April, but then she didn't. She ran on an abstinence-only education platform, and then her daughter had a secret pregancy out of wedlock and gave birth to a physically challenged baby because she was only 16. So, do we suppose that America will have a problem with this (if those last two things are true, of course??

  4. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I always have a pithy comment for political stories.

    In a first, I can't come up with anything other than.......uh........

  5. Anonymous10:53 PM

    I am so glad that I am not the only that thinks that Lindsay Graham is closet. There is no way that he is attracted to women. He makes Jack from Will & Grace look butch. National Enquirer needs to get on the Graham story ASAP.

  6. Anonymous2:15 AM

    If McLame wanted a woman as a running mate then why didn't he just choose Lindsay Graham to begin with?

  7. LOL, anonymous, good one.

  8. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Rumors should always be taken with a grain of salt. Keep in mind that Palin made some powerful enemies among the oil and gas companies and the state commission and now she is heading into the national spotlight. She had the integrity to stand up for what she thought was right which makes such a coverup even less likely as it would be easily exposed. In my opinion, going to such lengths would indicate she placed politics before her family, already most women in politics face that preconception among the voter.

  9. Anonymous12:21 PM

    The New York Times is reporting that Palin has announced her daughter's pregnancy. Bristol is five months along, will keep the baby and marry the father. McCain knew even before he picked her.

    In other news, the Alaskan "Parent of the Year Award" committee is hurriedly reconsidering this year's shortlist...

  10. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Lay this rumor to rest. The New York Times just broke the story that Bristol Palin is about five months pregant, will bring the child to term, and will marry the father. They claim McCain knew all along and that their hand was forced to reveal the pregnancy by assertions by liberal bloggers that Brisol had given birth to Trig Palin.

    This is more discussion of labor than I've ever in one Labor Day (and I'm a labor lawyer)....

  11. One wonders how closely related the Palins are to the Spears.

  12. Hey, guys...ACTUALLY, Bristol is "about five months pregnant." Who wants to bet she's "about three to four months pregnant" and still had that other kid? It's too easy, this family is fucked up.

  13. Being pregnant now doesn't mean that Bris wasn't pregnant before.

  14. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I think the news today that the daughter is expecting in Dec shows why you should not published unfounded rumors. Don't engage in negative politics by spreading such things, no matter how much you disagree with someone. Cheers, GP

  15. Anonymous8:43 PM

    I positively disagree that it was wrong to report the rumor. It was the fever pitch of legitimate interest by high-profile bloggers getting no answers and then lies from the McCain people (followed up by tepid questions from the mainstream media) that forced Palin to tell us what she has. Whether it's the whole story is anyone's guess because they continue to stonewall on providing simple straight-forward evidence at their disposal supporting their story: any one piece of the long trail of evidence about the Sarah Palin's (alleged) pregnancy and birth of a child with down syndrome. (They were happy to keep the whole matter in the closet and keep their delegates in the dark until today.)

    But it was definitely a percolation up through the online media that provided us with the revelation that McCain has not vetted this candidate. They've frantically sent people up there now to do what McCain did not have the competence to do before he made his announcement on Friday. He never vetted her. So, thanks to those who put this out there like Kenneth, a Presidential candidate is forced to do what we had always just expected that he would know how to do: Vice-President selection 101.


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