Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Page 1 Consider (07/29)

  • Extra! Extra! I see that the celebrity TV show "Extra" has finally dumped Mark McGrath for their favorite "guest" host Mario Lopez). It looks like co-host Dayna Devon (whose spelling of her name is grounds for dismissal) is being demoted to a correspondent too. I always had a crush on the Sugar Ray frontman, but the second he got on "Extra" he started to look like some freakish corpse, so I'm not really that surprised by this outcome. (LARagMag)

  • Putt-head: Why does Rudy Giuliani's litigious, over-entitled 22-year-old son, Andrew, look like he's 55? (For those keeping score at home, the Duke golf coach, O.D. Vincent, who fired Mini Combover is hot, hot, hot!) (NYDN)

  • Three G's of the GOP: (This is not a joke.) A new report says Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales’s aides broke civil service laws by using politics to guide their hiring decisions. A longtime prosecutor was passed over for a counterterrorism slot because his wife was active in Democratic politics, and a much less-experienced lawyer with Republican leanings got the job, the report said. Another prosecutor was rejected for a job in part because she was thought to be a lesbian. And a Republican lawyer got high marks because he was found to be sufficiently conservative on the core issues of "god, guns + gays." (NYT)

  • Designer Duds: My friend Scooter the artist is at it again! (Live Fast)

  • The Hurler: A "very large lady" at the New York Sports Club was "sling-shot" off equipment known as the "abductor" -- and had to be hauled from the gym in a rescue basket by firefighters, authorities said. (Come on, YouTube -- don't let me down now!) (NYP)

  • Score! Italian soccer stud Luca Toni heats up the current issue of Vanity Fair Italy. (OhLaLaMag)

  • Mucho Gusto: A new poll released last week shows overwhelming support from Latinos for Sen. Barack Obama over Sen. John McCain. (CNN)

  • The Half-Trillion Dollar Man: The Bush legacy will be a record $482 billion budget deficit. (AP)

  • Jackie? No: How do you say "Don't flatter yourself, Carla" in French? (Reuters)

  • Settlement: Blue Cross agrees to cover gay couples. (365Gay)

  • Hat Trick: Estelle Parsons may be an Academy Award-winning actress on her way to taking over the physically demanding role of Violet Weston, the drug-ravaged matriarch in the Tony-winning play "August: Osage County." But to me she'll always be Bev, Roseanne and Jackie's wonderfully annoying mother on "Roseanne." (Can you believe she looks this damn good at 80?!!) (NYT)

  • Diagnosis: Well, I already knew Robert Novak was a brain tumor. (AP)

  • VW Cabriolet Alert: A gay car blog? Leave it to Vanity Fair. (GayWheels)

    1. In reference to the Vanity Fair cover: "Ne vous flattez pas, Carla!"

      In reference to the Italian Vanity Fair: HOT!

    2. I think the golf coach is HOT too!! Show the guys a pic of his hottness!!


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