Monday, March 31, 2008

Page 1 Consider (03/31)

  • Move Over, Bennifer: I finally got around to watching the "Make Me a Supermodel" reunion show. What a hoot! I didn't even remember who half of them were yet some of 'em were acting like the who show had been around them. (Dom?) Everyone is talking about the crazy gay-straight alliance between finalists Ben and Ronnie. Bravo even surprised them with their own Brangelina-esque T-shirt dubbed Bronnie, which seemed just about right since Ben's first in control but most of it is about Ronnie. The big winner is announced on this week's show, but I haven't a clue who's going to win. My guess is Ben and Ronnie will split the vote, leaving Holly or Perry to win. (But I'm guessing Perry because he pretty much deserves it and even though Holly's a good model, she's so annoying.) (EthanSays)

  • America's Next Top Transsexual: Has Jennifer Finney Boylan unwittingly become the new face of transsexualism? I didn't really know there was a competition, but if I had I would have thought Calpernia and Andrea were the top seeds. (CP)

  • Citizen Huff: Here's an interesting article about the rebranding of The Huffington Post into being an "Internet Newspaper." Who knew the lost Gabor sister was a brainiac and such a shrewd businesswoman? (NYT)

  • Movie Night: Michael and I went to see "Stop-Loss" over the weekend. In case you've been living under a rock, the film stars Ryan Phillippe as an Iraq War veteran sent back against his wishes for another tour of duty and Channing Tatum as his fellow soldier and childhood best friend. I had high hopes for this one, knowing that it wasn't a hard-core Iraq War film -- but a look at soldiers and the effect the ongoing war is having on them. But it left us both a little cold. (Apparently we're not alone: it opened at No. 8 at the Box Office making a dismal $4.5 million.) Both the guys are smokin' hot (Channing Tatum rolling around in the mud in a pair of briefs might have been worth the 12 bucks alone) and do the best they can with the material, but there's just not a lot of character development and I never believed any of the things the characters were doing. (Abbie Cornish is gorgeous but wasted as a would-be Army wife who says about two lines in the whole film.) (Boston)

  • Paging David Naughton: Dr Pepper has offered to buy every person in America one of its soft drinks if Axl Rose were to ever finish his long-overdue album, "Chinese Democracy." That Axl Rose has somehow become the low-rent modern day equivalent of Brian Wilson -- whose legendary mindfuck masterpiece "Smile" did eventually come out a couple years ago -- is pretty hilarious.(E!Online)

  • Biting Off What He Can Chew: Democratic front-runner Barack Obama waded deep into Clinton territory Thursday evening at a private LGBT fundraiser in Manhattan. And while the overall reaction was good, he sounds very much like Bill Clinton was forced to during the gays in the military days when it comes to gay issues: same-sex marriage? Ain't gonna happen -- think civil unions. transgender-inclusive ENDA? For gays, yes; for trannies, no. Just like it was for President Clinton: it's the votes, dummy! (Are you reading this, Melissa Etheridge?) (Advocate)

  • Fall of the Roman Empire: This new documentary about Roman Polanski sounds fab. (NYT)

  • Most God-Like News Ever: Evangelical Group Seeks To Move Away From Anti-Gay Focus (AP)
  • 1 comment:

    1. I would like Ronnie to win but I think Perry has probably been the most consistent throughout the series


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