Friday, February 29, 2008

'Sex' and the Spoilers


Jesus Christ. As if all of the photos from the set around Manhattan hadn't spoiled the "Sex and the City" movie for us all, this trailer pretty much eliminates any need to even rent see it. Watch at your own risk ...


  1. Isn't it ashame? It also doesn't look half as fun as the show was. And Steve? He'd never do that. Talk about character inconsistency. Okay, rant over.

  2. YES! I totally agree about the Steve thing. Shouldn't it have been Miranda -- or no one?

  3. You have to keep in mind that there are dream sequences in this movie and a lot of what you see in the trailer is probably not what "really" happens. I'm still there....with Manolos on and a cosmo in my hand.

  4. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Ofcourse it doesn't look as fun in the trailer than the show did. But I think that's probably due to the fact that they obviously can't show 'explicit' moments, which tend to be the funnier ones. Also, I'm sure none of us were expecting a ground-breaking story, right? Come on, it's still the extremely long awaited SATC movie - let's not slam it before it even comes out!

  5. I'll go but ...

    I don't really want to see Carrie with Big. I liked the guy from Northern Exposure WAY better. In fact, I started hating her with a passion when she screwed up that relationship, because he was SOOOO perfect. I wanted to crawl into the television and marry him myself.

    Dream sequences or not, I'll run out to see it.


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