Thursday, February 28, 2008

Page 1 Consider (02/28)

  • Speak Softly and ...: It sure looks like University of Illinois track star Andrew Zollner has an unfair advantage when it comes to the pole vault. (FantasticsMag)

  • Refugee of Gangland: Could the Margaret B. Jones story be just the comeback role Lindsay Lohan has been looking for? She certainly could pass for 33. (NYT)

  • Clinton Campaign Getting Icke: First the Obama terrorist photos and now this. (NYT) Meanwhile, the Obama campaign is lavishing some of its cash advantage on LGBTs with targeted ad buys in Ohio and Texas, leading up to the critical March 4 primaries in both states. (Advocate)

  • Planet Gay: If you're a fan of indie comics, be sure to check out Brian Andersen's So Super Duper!

  • Jesus Would Not Approve: For years, the Dobrich family, who are Orthodox Jews, listened to Christian prayers at school potluck dinners, award dinners and meetings of parent-teacher groups and were OK with it. They were used to being one of the only Jewish families around did not have problems with Christians or others. But then at her daughter's graduation a minister’s prayer proclaiming Jesus "as the only way to the truth" nudged Mona Dobrich to ask the school board to consider more generic and less exclusionary prayers. Sounds incredibly reasonable -- and restrained -- to me. Wait till you hear what happened to her and her children. (NYT)

  • Prosecutor Sticks It To 'Em: The prosecution in the murder trial of two men accused of killing gay porn video producer Bryan Kocis says it has received new evidence from the FBI. (365Gay)

  • Artificial Sweetener: How big of a scumbag do you have to be to steal from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation? (NYT)

  • Dragon Slayer: A high school hockey coach in Halifax has been told he won't be leading the team next season after a parent complained about offensive material printed in the team's program. Many of the players' bios in the program for the Lockview High Dragons include sexually suggestive language or other offensive material. For example, one makes a crude reference to a player's desire to visit pop singer Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch, while another says a team member will "drop his pants for a quick buck." (CanadianPress)

  • Tran-it Suit: The New York State supreme court ruled last week that employees of the New York City Transit Authority are not exempt from the city’s Human Rights Law, allowing a trans woman to proceed with a discrimination suit, according to a press release from Housing Works. (Advocate)

  • OMG! The Michigan Supreme Court on Wednesday ordered the release of a trove of documents that revealed how Mayor Kwame M. Kilpatrick of Detroit and city lawyers tried to cover up Kilpatrick’s extramarital affair with his chief of staff, as well as text messages that could expose the mayor to perjury charges. (NYT)

  • Those Who Can't ...: The Black Crowes want MAXIM to apologize for trashing its new album without listening to the whole thing, but did they really need to? (AP)

    1. LOL! Thanks for my making me laugh this moring... love the pole vault pic and the accompanying commentary... LOL!

    2. Anonymous12:19 PM

      RE: University of Illinois track star Andrew Zollner has an unfair advantage when it comes to the pole vault.

      There are growers. There are showers. Then there are SHOW-OFFS.


      Looks like he's got those shorts hiked up for some added effect.

    3. I think someone forgot to wear their briefs!

    4. Anonymous5:39 AM

      You missed the even better pic


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