Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Eye Just Don't Know

I'm really upset to report that my eye problems have returned. My ophthalmologist still cannot properly diagnose the situation with my right cornea, and has arranged for me to see a specialist at the famed New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. At this point I find myself pretty terrified at what they may find wrong with me, although not knowing is probably even worse. I'm praying my eye will be OK again soon and that I might even get a meeting with Dr. Renee Richards out of the deal. I will let you know how it goes Friday.


  1. You're going to one of the best eye hospitals there is, so they'll find the problem and you'll be okay.

  2. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Good Luck with your eye buddy! I love you blog!

  3. Good Luck, Tiger. I've got fingers crossed and lots of good thoughts going your way.

  4. Good luck, Ken. I know you will be alright.

  5. Best of luck! You are going to the best doctors and will be getting great advice. Keep thinking positive thoughts...we will, too!

  6. Anonymous12:12 AM

    U R in good hands at NYEEI, Kenneth. Fear not...

  7. Anonymous8:09 AM

    We are with you all the way on this one....just stay positive and think about the talent contained in that famous will be back to being the young,talented, horny, Kenny we all know and love in no time!

  8. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Kenneth, Your eyes will shine brightly soon! (that sounds like some cryptic message a creepy kid gave on NIGHT GALLERY, doesn't it?)
    I mean to say, I'm sure everything will turn out fine! You've got my amazingly good vibes headed towards you!

  9. Just thinking about you today. No matter what happens, we're all with you! Please keep us updated.


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