Monday, January 28, 2008

Red Carpet Man Watch

Well, the writers' union has managed to ruin every other awards show. So "kudos" to them for giving all the big stars the green light to attend SAG's own show, the Screen Actors Guild Awards, turning the usually low-key event into A Night of a Thousand Stars. Here are a few who caught my eye for one reason or another:

Get Scruffy: Brad Pitt's working his natural hair color with a grey van dyke while Ryan Gosling shoot for the full-on Paul Bunyan, 20something style ...
Country Men: Javier Bardem, who even without his Emo Phillips 'do does nothing for me (sorry, rest of the world!) and sexy Josh Brolin clean up their acts for the night ...
Stiffs: Michael C. Hall looks a little too Dexter-y in the eyes here; Zac Efron couldn't attend the awards because of his appendix emergency but was kind enough to send this wax statue of himself so his fans wouldn't be too disappointed ...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Dude, the writer's union hasn't "ruined" anything - have you been following the reasons for the writer's strike at all? And the only reason the writers didn't picket the SAG awards is because the actors' contracts expire in June and they want the same thing the writers do, which is fair and equitable sharing of profits on work created by writers.


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