Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Afternoon Headlights (11/27)

  • Davis Cup Blog: All week leading up to the Davis Cup final against Russia this weekend, cuties Mike and Bob Bryan will be blogging on ATPtennis.com. (ATP)

  • The Mole: Baby Gap T loving Anderson Cooper admitted to Ellen Degeneres today that he's addicted to "Hey Paula" and "Tiara Girls." ("Tiara Girls"????) (SoupCans)

  • Bride and Boom: Talk about your bridezillas. (NYP)

  • A Lott of Unanswered Questions: So what's up with BigHeadDC and Larry Flynt's supposed scoop on Senator Trent Lott and the gay hooker? Both sides keep claiming to have the smoking -- uh -- gun on the "story," yet we're all sitting here waiting. (Slog)

  • Thelma and 'Lou': The most hilarious part of this story about two Upper East Side women who robbed apartments during real estate open houses is that everyone thought one of them was a tranny. (NYDN)

  • Bi-zarre Love Triangle: A married Brooklyn woman fatally slashed the throat of her lesbian lover's husband and then fled barefoot and covered in blood yesterday, law-enforcement sources said. (NYP)

  • He's Still Hot: The International Tennis Federation has ruled that there is no credible evidence to suggest Tommy Haas was poisoned during Germany's Davis Cup tie versus Russia. (Reuters)

  • Midwest Meets Mideast: Sad news for all of you hopeless romantics out there: That teenage girl from Michigan who ran away from home for the Middle East to be with her Palestinian "boyfriend" she'd met on MySpace has ended their relationship. Naturally she did it on "Dr. Phil" via satellite. (AP)

  • Firm-ing Up: This Co-Worker Diet craze is really catching on. Anyone (besides Seimond and Alisa) tried it? (NYP)

  • Duct Tape and Vasoline: You mean pepper spray infused makeup isn't one of those beauty pageant tricks of the trade? (AP)

  • RIP: Quiet Riot frontman Kevin Dubrow -- who was as famous for having more hair at 52 than he did at 22 as he was for his band's music -- died mysteriously yesterday in Las Vegas. Autopsy results are pending. (AP)

    1. Hmmmm- I think I might have photographed her wedding :)

    2. Anonymous12:10 AM

      Whose wedding? Anderson Cooper's?

    3. - ha!! no, that creepy he-she 'bride'


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