Monday, August 27, 2007

Page 1 Consider (08/27)

  • The Wrist Slashers: Did Owen Wilson really try to kill himself? (DailyTelegraph)

  • The Jenny Jones Effect: Gay Surges Past 'Panicked' Powell for World 100 Win (AP)

  • Where's Marcia? It was a regular Brady mom-daughter reunion when Florence Henderson and Eve Plumb showed up at Laguna Beach's famed Pageant of the Masters, an annual event in which volunteers are elaborately made up to resemble famous works of art. (Slenderalla Valerie Bertinelli this year's gala benefit. (BW)

  • No Shit, Sherlock: The World Health Organization thinks there's a correlation between rising population and an increase in AIDS and other diseases. I hope they didn't spend too much time trying to figure out this lesson in complete obviousness. (AP)

  • LGBT Health Care: Sometimes even the people closest to me think I'm crazy when I point out the inherent discrimination gay people face on a day to day basis. Something as seemingly routine as a trip to the doctor's office can be filled with landmines, however unintentional. (ColoradoConfidential)

  • Kid 'n' Play: WWE wrestler John Cena and comedian Chris Kattan helped Andy Roddick make this year's Arthur Ashe Kids Day a special occasion. Now let the tournament begin! (Andy's Blog) Stay on top of this year's Open with the NYT's interactive blog.

  • Not Even Her Biggest Deduction: A woman should be allowed to deduct her $25,000 sex-change operation on her federal taxes because her gender identity disorder was a medical condition, her lawyers argued Thursday. (AP)

  • The Fabulous 500: A gay rights organization says that more than 92 percent (463) of the 2007 Fortune 500 companies include sexual orientation in their employment nondiscrimination policies. (Advocate)
  • 1 comment:

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM


      You are very correct about the difficulties in healthcare faced by LGBT people. I am fortunate to live outside of a city where one of the big Unviersity Hospitals is located smack in the middle of the gay neighborhood. As a result, most of the doctors affiliated with the hospital have a higher percentage of gay patients as well as having casual contact with LGBT people. (We do run the best restaurants around the hospital after all. :-) ) Even the doctors that practice in the suburbs but have been educated there or done the residency there seem to have a much higher understanding and acceptance of gay people.


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