Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Oscars Photo Wrap-Up

Bad Boys: Ryan Phillippe and James Franco clean up nicely.

Dueling Divas: Anderson Cooper, rather dapper in "black tie," and Madonna, looking very good at nearly 50, partied into the night at the Vanity Fair afterparty.

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: Ryan Phillippe looked like a man on a rampage, while Reese Witherspoon's too-obvious hair extensions brought her look down a bit.

Just for Men: Clive Owen is always handsome, but I'm ashamed to admit that Adam Brody, whose character on "The O.C." was so annoying that I stopped watching it, is growing up nicely.

Cherish: Madonna seems to enjoy being with her hubby, Guy Ritchie. (Wouldn't you?)
It Takes Two: McSteamy Eric Dane and his equally steamy wife, Rebecca Gayheart, at the Vanity Fair party at Morton's in West Hollywood. And hunky Hugh Jackman brought his mom as his date (aawww!).


  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I have to admit I am not a huge fan of Reese Witherspoon, but in her defense i have to say she looked pretty fabulous at the Oscar's!

    Af for Ryan he always looks good to me

  2. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I am sure you know that that is Hugh Jackman's wife, not his mother. I know it is hard to accept, it is just the way it is.

  3. Ooooooooooooooooh!
    That James Franco!! Now he's rockin' a goatee?!
    Love to see more of HIM!!

    - Dianna

  4. hugh Jackman's acceptance speech at the TONYs was the best!! The way that he thanked his wife was PURE CLASS!!


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