Thursday, December 21, 2006

Heavy Handed?

I was browsing this week's Chelsea Now newspaper and was taken aback by some of the information included in the obit for the controversial NYC quality of life advocate Marcia Lemmon. Do you think they could have done without this "fun" anecdote? 

Lemmon had ballooned all the way to 600 pounds, Elsa Rensaa said. One time, Rensaa recalled, firefighters came to get Lemmon out of her apartment and used a hoist, then put her in the elevator and had to walk down the stairs because there was no room in the elevator. "We tried to get Richard Simmons to do something," Rensaa said. But he "wasn’t interested in doing it anymore." 

 Ouch. Is this somebody's way of taking one last jab at a woman who stood up for what she believed in?
  Read: Marcia Lemmon, C.B. 3 member, scourge of bar owners (Chelsea Now)


  1. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Wasn't it just a few months ago that you were talking shit about how fat people are bringing down our country?

  2. If you cannot see the difference between calling out 500-pound people who claim they eat nothing but salads and exercise 3 hours a day and making fun of a dead woman, then maybe you're reading the wrong blog.



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