Thursday, August 31, 2006

Page 1 Consider (08/31)

  • Charity Begins at Home: A homeless heroin addict has implicated himself in the killing of Martin Barreto, a onetime aide to former mayor Rudolph Giuliani, telling investigators that the pair met randomly on the street and claiming the death was an accident, police said Wednesday. The suspect, Edwin Ramos, 26, was captured on Tuesday as the result of another chance encounter, this time with detectives investigating the case. Members of Barreto’s family said the news of the arrest came as another shock after the discovery of his naked body in his bedroom on Aug. 21. They said they could not understand why Barreto, 48, a successful public relations executive, would become involved with someone like Ramos. “It doesn’t sound like something he’d be interested in doing,” said his endearingly naive sister, Julieta Barreto. “Martin is a concept of what a real gentleman is about in every sense of the word, his ethics, his good will to help others, his social conscience with everyone.” (Ya gotta love a sister like that.) (CBS/AP)

  • Family Affair: Everyone is up in arms about the way CNN anchorwoman Kyra Phillips interrupted President Bush's Hurricane Katrina reunion speech in New Orleans the other night with a personal conversation that was picked up by her microphone in the ladies' bathroom. But come on -- her sister-in-law is a total control freak! Like the time she ... (Daily Telegraph)

  • I Guess He Told Him: A lawyer in Fairfield, Conn., climbed through a neighbor's bedroom window and stabbed him to death after being told by his wife that the man had molested their 2-year-old daughter, authorities say. The lawyer, Jonathon Edington, 29, was charged with murder and burglary and was released on $1 million bail Wednesday. The police said Edington, 29, repeatedly stabbed the neighbor, Barry James, 59, and then walked back home. (Was he supposed to stay for dinner?) (AP)

  • Who's Your Daddy? While hunky Matt Leinart was busy getting room service at the Paris Hilton earlier this year, his fortuitous/fertile "ex" girlfriend, Brynn Cameron, was across town carrying his $51 million baby. The football season hasn't even started and the Heisman Trophy winning Arizona Cardinals quarterback already has his first scandal on his hands. You should have stuck with Nick, Mr. Baby Daddy. Stuff like this never happens. (EOG)

  • The Prophet: When Nevada state police stopped a red Cadillac Escalade without visible license plates Monday night and asked one of its passengers for identification, he handed over a receipt for contact lenses. That's how Mormons do things. (WP)

  • BLT Heaven: A sandwich even Stephen Colbert would be proud of. (MSNBC)

    1. Wow, tidbits of newsworthy items I missed. Thanks for sharing. Big hairy muscle hugs of appreciation.

    2. Anonymous11:13 AM

      I read in the Daily News that Martin Barreto offered his killer $40.00 for a blow job on a NYC street before inviting this guy who killed him in his (sisters) apartment.


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