Saturday, July 29, 2006

Something's Gotta Give

Did you see this letter over on It seems the studio heads aren't buying Lindsay Lohan's "heat exhaustion" story either. Marilyn Monroe -- who had actual talent -- was 36 when she got canned from "Something's Gotta Give." Lohan turned 20 earlier this month.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Well, it's about time someone had the balls to bust her drunken chops for her behavior. I'm always so irritated that celebrities can get literally get away with murder and no one blinks.

    Your Marilyn comparison is so dead-on. If Lindsay doesn't straighten up, she's going to end up naked and dead in her house too.

    In this day and age of constant monitoring by the media and bloggers, celebrities should be aware that they just can't get away with everything anymore.


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