Monday, March 27, 2006

Black and Blue

The streets of Manhattan were littered with guys returning home from the infamous all-night Black Party at Roseland Ballroom yesterday. Just seeing everybody flooded my mind with memories of my one trip to the Black Party (circa 2002), when I went along with pals Jay, Steve and the late Larry Brickman. Now none of us is exactly "into" the leather scene, but that didn't stop any of us from heading over to the local leather boutique for just the right outfit. I remember how hysterical Larry was watching me try on harnesses and spiked collars. More than anyone I know, Larry loved going to these parties and dancing the night (and morning) away. He'd get so excited that he'd invariably end up being the first one there -- just not able to wait for the fun to begin.

We ran into Larry's boyfriend, Chris, at brunch yesterday. I was happy to hear that he and some friends had attended the event "in honor of Larry." I admit that seeing Chris without Larry made me sad -- just reminding me that Larry should have been there, too -- but I know that Larry was somewhere up there watching his guy have fun, all teeth and in his chainlink harness. We miss ya, kiddo. Life is not the same without you.

1 comment:

  1. Missed that again. Thanks for sharing.


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