Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Withdrawal Method

The Washington Times is reporting that the Bush administration is beginning to make plans for withdrawing Harriet Miers as the president's nomination for the Supreme Court -- sort of. "White House senior staff are starting to ask outside people, saying, 'We're not discussing pulling out her nomination, but if we were to, do you have any advice as to how we should do it?' " a conservative Republican with ties to the White House told The Washington Times. Well, OK then. As long as you're not discussing it ... Full story: Insiders see hint of Miers pullout (via Washington Times) (Photos via A Sociate's Life)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:56 AM

    That quote made it on to "The Colbert Report" last night! Wish I could recall his comeback. Unfortunately, I was half asleep.


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