Thursday, September 29, 2005

Tyra's Mass Male-ing

The general consensus seems to be that no matter what the chromosome test says about our favorite "Top Model" Naomi-wannabe Coryn, he/she's fierce!

As a friend of mine points out, the same native-gender question could be asked of many of the contestants:

I felt like I was watching one of those "Maury" episodes where you have to choose whether the guest is a man or a woman. and I'm not even talking about "femme boy" lesbian Kim. Diane, Ebony, and Jayla are all looking a little pronounced in the jawline.

Personally, I'm leaning toward "not a man" for the beleaguered Coryn. That being said, I could easily see the person in this photo performing at Barracuda one of these nights under the stage name Shasta Cola ...

Thanks FourFour for the screen cap!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:04 PM

    ...or at least as an opening act for Paige Turner!


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