Sunday, February 01, 2009

Oh, Mary. Pull Yourself Together

After the match a tearful Federer said, "God it's killing me." No, Roger. Nadal's topspin-assault on your backhand is ...

I stayed up overnight to watch the highly anticipated Nadal-Federer Australian Open final. It was an exciting match (until Federer collapsed before our eyes in the deciding set), but ultimately reminded me that for all the talk about the "great rivalry" between the men, there actually is no rivalry. Sure, Federer beat Nadal on grass a couple times when Nadal wasn't NADAL yet. But essentially Federer cannot beat Nadal. Everything he can do Nadal can do better -- only Nadal's younger, quicker and stronger. Right before our eyes Nadal has become to Federer what Federer has been to Roddick for the few years when Roddick was the way-behind world's No. 2. I say this not to take anything away from Federer, but more to point out why it's so impossible to say who is the "greatest of all time." If the Roger Federer of a few years ago -- playing loose and without the weight of history on his shoulders -- were to play this Rafael Nadal, he may very well have been able to beat him. But time doesn't stop for even the greatest champions, and the champion of today and the years ahead is clearly Rafael Nadal.


  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Between Martina Hingis in the 1999 French against Graf and Roger today, what is it about Swiss players and weeping like a baby when they don't win matches that they feel they 'deserved?'

    The way Graf handled Hingis during the trophy presentation in '99 was eerily similar to the way Nadal tried to heap praise on Fed today to get him to stop Tyra Banks-ing the situation.

  2. Oh give Roger a break! Although I do not see how he ever beats Rafa again--how do you beat someone who made you cry??

  3. Great title. My sentiments exactly. And I totally understand Rafa when he said in an interview after that he could hardly celebrate during the award ceremony with Roger crying his eyes out. A less gracious person (and that would be me) would bitch, "Stop stealing the frakking spotlight!"

  4. Amen. I stayed up all morning to watch this match as well. And while it was an entertaining match, it's clear that Nadal has the upper hand in their "rivalry". I've been a big fan of Nadal for years now, so it's great to see him finally come into his own and take his trophies. Federer needs to relax and get used to losing every once and awhile. It doesn't take away from all the good tennis he's already put in.


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