Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Out of Touch

Did you notice that Barack Obama's such an elitist that he couldn't even be bothered coming to his own convention last night? Instead, he appeared via satellite from (what I'm sure was) some foreign country where he was undoubtedly drinking wine (whatever kind goes with arugula). Do we really want a foreigner in our White House?


  1. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Wierd. . . he was in the US and it is not common to have the nominee to be present until the final address. Is your post a joke?

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Nominee is NEVER at the convention this early. Frankly--a little shocking he made any appearance last night.

  3. And his wife was in a cocktail dress because she was on her way to a wine tasting sponsored by the French embassy...after she puts the girls in head scarves.

  4. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Yup, I do. :-)

  5. Ken, I usually agree with most of your points and opinions on your page, but this kind of thinking is what makes Americans seem so ignorant and laughable to the rest of the world. Just this past summer, Obama was in Berlin speaking to a crowd of 100,000. This Thursday he will be closing the DNC at Invesco Field to a crowd of over 75,000. Do you think people would come in these numbers to see John McCain?? I think not. If Obama is "out of touch", then so are a lot of other people out there.

  6. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Ok, this was sufficiently obnoxious that I assume this was sarcastic, but, on the off chance it isn't, you do realize that this is normal action? The presidential candidates do not arrive to their conventions til the end so that they do not upstage the other speakers. That is normal. The atypical part was using technology so that he could say hi to his kids. and he was in Missouri, and is American. I'm not a die-hard Obama fan, but, I'd at least request that you get your facts right.

  7. EDITOR'S NOTE: If you felt the need to "inform" me of "anything" related to this post. could I please request that you:

    A. Never comment on my blog again
    B. Never read my blog again
    C. Crawl into a hole somewhere and die.

    I don't associate with stupid people, so please stop associating with me.


  8. Wow -- those comments were more idiotic than what they were commenting on. I'm truly sorry that you have so many really humorless readers.

  9. Kenneth, I got your sarcasm. But your response to these comments from people who didn't get it makes you kind of an ass. I've never read your blog before, I won't read it again and I won't comment again. But I won't crawl into a hole and die, thank you very much.

  10. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Arugula? Barack seems more like the iceberg lettuce wedge type of president.

    Yeah. I said it.


  11. Erik:
    While I'm CERTAIN that I couldn't care less WHAT you do moving forward so long as it doesn't INVOLVE ME, sadly I'm equally CERTAIN that you'll be back reading this (I know a "gotta have the last word" commenter when I read one!) and won't be able to live up to your snappy promise to stay away. So why don't I just kindly (and preemptively) refer you back to Step C now and be done with it? :-)

  12. Anonymous7:55 PM

    A M E N, Kenneth.

  13. Anonymous9:27 PM

    I liked your comment even though I think that Obama is a crock and a loser (I will take Gov. Patterson over him any day - ethics and support of gays is important to me). If anyone cann0ot appreciate your sense of humor or can't politely disagree with you, screw them and they should get your own blog. I still like the Russian sub captain bear beard. Cheers, GP

  14. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Kenneth...U ROCK. Your ABC post made me laugh out loud. Keep up the great work baby!

  15. What does Michael Savage of "Savage Love" fame think about this? (And, in case Mr. Obama is reading in, perhaps he can tell us what wine goes best with Kraft Dinner and tuna sauce.)

  16. Sweetie, I am so bored with all this political crap. I'm voting for Clark Gable. Aunt Richard

  17. Well...Obama in an ascot might have made just as caustic a New Yorker cover. (But seriously folks....big huge faces on big screens always spook me out, no matter whose face. It always seems so George Orwell!)

  18. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Kenneth --

    Some of your readers take you a little TOO seriously. He's joking, folks. And I personally found it laugh-out-loud funny.


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