Thursday, June 28, 2007

Exhibit A

For all of you bitches who questioned my love of Cyndi Lauper's music, this one's for you.


  1. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Who had any idea that a solo Lihmal released another single besides "Never Ending Story"?

  2. Anonymous1:42 PM

    That is beyond adorable. Way beyond.

  3. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Oh My God, can you say "ADD?" Also, kudos for using "Phun" waaay before it was phat to do so.

  4. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Cyndi Lauper is so adorable! I truly love her music! Her True Colors Tour was absolutely amazing! We love you Cyn!

  5. Anonymous10:24 PM

    No one owns a stage quite like Cyndi does! She is a legend!

  6. Anonymous10:30 PM

    I will go so far as to say that Cyndi Lauper is a national treasure. So small and with a voice almost cartoonish, she could make me do whatever the hell she wanted. During her set, she was in and out of the crowd. She wrapped herself against the proscenium and threw her head back as if she was trapped in one of her music videos.
    The Advocate- If you never seen Ms. Lauper live, do it! You will not be dissapointed!

  7. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Oh Cyndi Dear..U know U are still number ONE!

  8. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Cyndi on her blog:

    "Even though life isn’t always fair, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t stand up and say something when it is not right and unacceptable. It is something worth remembering. And as a friend and family member of the community I hope I can remind folks that ya got to stand up for the people you know and love. Hopefully this tour stirred and woke the hearts of as many as we can. Just like the people whose actions and words inspired me and woke me up… I am always in awe of the people of my country and their energy. We are all so different, so unique in our prospective that I think if our differences are lost, so are we. Because without many veiw points how will we survive the future. Why sileince a voice that might be the answer to a question we’ve been trying to figure out. If we could only learn to be inclusive of each other and our differences. If we could only stop trying to fit a suare peg into a round hole. Well maybe we’d be getting somewhere"

    How can you not love her! She is truly amazing! Glad to see that you understand her beautiful heart!

  9. Anonymous8:50 PM

    The advocate magazine called Cyndi Lauper, Saint Cyndi! After witnessing the True Colors Tour in Los Angeles..I can't think of a better name! She is a true friend of our community, a woman that love us unconditionally and you can tell it comes from the heart!

  10. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Cyndi is wonderful!

  11. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Ms. Lauper is great!Her new album should be out early next year!


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